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veda active centella asiatica


Composition and molecular structure
The main active of Centella asiatica are triterpenic saponins. The main saponins are asiaticoside and madecassoside that range from 1 to 8%, as well as tannins, vegetable oils, phytosterols, ...

According to the Royal Spanish Pharmacopoeia, Centella asiatica must contain not less than 6% of total triterpenic derivatives expressed as asiaticoside, and calculated from the dried drug.

Mechanism of action

  • Centella asiatica acts on fibroblasts connective tissue, both in the vascular walls and around the vessel, modulating the synthesis of collagen.

  • It increases the tensile strength of the skin promoting a healing action.

  • It inhibits the inflammatory process that could lead to hypertrophy in scars and improves capillary permeability.

  • It inhibits keratinocytes proliferation.

Several studies show re-epithelializating and healing actions of Centella asiatica in oral and topical administration of the extract in a wound in skin’s rat.

The results showed that Centella asiatica intervenes in wound repair phases.

Applying Centella asiatica is based on its regenerative capacity. It has different applications:

  • Healing: Improves wounds and burns healing through in vitro stimulation of collagen production, key protein in wound healing. Moreover, it stimulates fibroblasts activation, thus has a re-epithelizating action.

  • Psoriasis and as a preventive in the formation of keloid scars by inhibiting the keratinocytes proliferation.

  • Tired Legs.

Inci name: Centella asiatica extract
Purity: Asian 34.0% to 44.0% / Genin 54.0% to 66.0%
Dosage: 0.1 to 0.5%

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